Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 


Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes


1. How many properties exist under Wokingham Borough Council's jurisdiction for the propose of providing accommodation (or housing) for school site controllers whether under academy or maintained school control? The names of these properties are also requested

2. How many school site controllers live in council owned properties on school sites in the academic year 2023 to 2024, both in academies and maintained schools?

3. How many council owned properties on school sites used to house site controllers have been sold in the last five years? Can this figure be sub-divided by year

4. How many schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers have been transferred to academies in the last five years? Can this figure be sub-divided by year

5. How many schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers have not been transferred to academies despite schools academising in the last five years? Can this figure be sub-divided by year. The names of these schools are also requested

6. How many schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers have been removed from the schools control following a change of site manager in the last five years? Can this figure be sub-divided by year. The names of these schools are also requested

7. How many maintained schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers have unoccupied properties? The names of these schools are also requested

8. Of the maintained schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers how many have employed male site staff? Please provide the number and the percentage of the total number of site staff.

9. Of the maintained schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers how many have employed white British site staff? Please provide the number and the percentage of the total number of site staff.

10. Of the maintained schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers how many have employed site staff over the age of 50? Please provide the number and the percentage of the total number of site staff.

11. How many maintained schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers which are occupied have been burgled in the last 5 years? Can this figure be sub-divided by year.

12. How many maintained schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers which are unoccupied have been burgled in the last 5 years? Can this figure be sub-divided by year.

13. How many maintained schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers which are occupied have been affected by an incident with fire resulting in the fire brigade being called in the last 5 years? Can this figure be sub-divided by year.

14. How many maintained schools with properties on school sites used to house site controllers which are unoccupied have been affected by an incident with fire resulting in the fire brigade being called in the last 5 years? Can this figure be sub-divided by year.

15. Please provide a copy of the Wokingham Borough Council's policy in relation to the use, control and disposition of properties on school sites used to house site controllers and the date this was ratified by Councillors and became effective?

16. How are reviews and updates of this policy shared with stakeholders such as school Governing Bodies and Headteachers?

17. How do Wokingham Borough Council define a vacant site controller's property? Does this include the change of staff working at the school or is there a defined period of time? How has this definition been applied to schools?

18. DfE's Land Transfer guidance which states that local authorities should take the necessary steps to ensure that any land they hold is transferred to the successor academy in accordance with the guidance. Can Wokingham Borough Council please provide meeting minutes to show that this guidance has been considered.

19. Could you please provide the employment policy currently used by Wokingham Borough Council that delegates authority for Headteachers to appoint any staff at their schools?

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