Last updated:
8th August 2023
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period.
Day Centre services for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
See notes
1. Current Demand: Is there a current demand for Day Centre services for adults with IDD aged 18+ within your borough? If so, what is the estimated number of individuals currently utilizing or in need of these services?
2. Service Availability: How many Day Centres specifically cater to adults with IDD (18+) within your borough? Could you provide details on the location and capacity of these centres?
Optalis Ltd operate a Day Activities Service based out from two locations: Acorn Centre, Fernlea Drive, Woosehill Wokingham, RG41 3DR and Woodford Park Leisure Centre, Haddon Drive, Woodley, Reading RG5 4LY. There is capacity for around 80 people at each depending on level of need and number of days per week per person.
3. Service Costs: What is the range of weekly costs associated with accessing Day Centre services for adults with IDD (18+)? Are there any subsidies or financial assistance options available for families?
These places are funded by Local Authorities for people with Care Act eligible needs funded through personal budgets.
4. Key Contacts: Please provide the name, email address, and telephone number of the individual(s) responsible for managing Day Centre placements and procurement for adults with IDD.
Jenny Lamprell. Head of Strategic Commissioning, Adult Services
5. Service Commissioning: What is the process for commissioning Day Centre services for adults with IDD (18+)? Are there any upcoming tenders or opportunities for service providers to engage with the council on this matter?
Potential new providers can contact Jenny Lamprell as above to discuss setting up in the borough and promotion to people who may wish to attend.
6. Additional Support Services: Does the council offer any complementary services or programs to support adults with IDD who attend Day Centres? This might include transport services, therapeutic support, or social integration program.
The Optalis Day Activities offer includes independence skills, travel training and a supported employment service. There is also range of voluntary sector run social provision in the borough. Therapies are sourced independently to meet need if not available through the Optalis centres.