Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Gate code for white horse lane

Request ID
Date Received

See notes


I am writing to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding the access arrangements for White Horse Lane, particularly concerning the locked gate that restricts access to those with a code.

1. Access Code: Please provide the access code for the locked gate on White Horse Lane.

2. Decision Documentation: Provide all documents, minutes of meetings, communications, and reports relating to the decision to install and lock the gate on White Horse Lane with a code.

3. Public Access Rationale: Provide any documents or communications that justify why access to White Horse Lane is restricted by a code, including safety assessments or legal advice.

4. Public Notice and Distribution: Provide information on how the public was informed about the code and how it is distributed, if applicable.

Context and Fairness Concerns
While White Horse Lane is not designated as the official alternative route during the ongoing roadworks, it is being used by some members of the public who have been provided with the access code. The longer official diversion route imposes significant inconvenience. This selective access raises concerns about fairness and compliance with public access regulations.

Request for Alternative Information
If providing the code is not feasible, please provide:
• A summary of how the council ensures fair access to White Horse Lane for all members of the public.
• Any alternative arrangements in place to address the inconvenience caused by the longer diversion route.

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