Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

School Census

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

1. From the school census conducted in May 2023, please supply the number of students resident in the wards of Shinfield North, Shinfield South and Swallowfield wards attending Wokingham Borough Council schools (or schools lying outside the borough boundary) divided by the school they attend, the data for each ward to be distinguished. The data should be for both primary schools and secondary schools.

2. From the school census conducted in May 2024, please supply the number of students resident in the wards of Shinfield North, Shinfield South and Swallowfield wards attending Wokingham Borough Council schools (or schools lying outside the borough boundary) divided by the school they attend, the data for each ward to be distinguished. The data should be for both primary schools and secondary schools.


1. From the school census conducted in May 2023, please supply the number of students resident in the wards of Shinfield North, Shinfield South and Swallowfield wards attending Wokingham Borough Council schools (or schools lying outside the borough boundary) divided by the school they attend, the data for each ward to be distinguished. The data should be for both primary schools and secondary schools.
Please see attached spreadsheet

2. From the school census conducted in May 2024, please supply the number of students resident in the wards of Shinfield North, Shinfield South and Swallowfield wards attending Wokingham Borough Council schools (or schools lying outside the borough boundary) divided by the school they attend, the data for each ward to be distinguished. The data should be for both primary schools and secondary schools.
We do not currently hold this data, this will be available within the next few months.

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