Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Spend on Profit Making Providers of SEND education (4-19) and fostering, children's home or secure accommodation placements

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I'm looking to ascertain how much money is spent on profit making organisations in the areas of 4-19 SEND education and (separately) fostering, children's home or secure accommodation placements.

1. Please confirm whether you pay Cambian Group and/or Witherslack Group for services in SEND education (4-19) and/or fostering, children's home or secure accommodation placements. This can be a simple Yes/No answer for each organisation. Please also detail the number of children and young people, ideally divided by each organisation and by SEND education (4-19) and/or fostering, children's home or secure accommodation placements. If this is too sensitive/onerous, please simply break the number down by number of children and young people receiving SEND education (4-19) and/or fostering, children's home or secure accommodation placements
SEN Team
1 pupil at a Cambian Group school
18 pupils at a Witherslack Group school

Family Placements Team
Fostering - No
Secure Accommodation – No
Children Home - Yes

2. Please detail the amount of money spent in the last two financial years with for profit providers of SEND education (4-19) and fostering, children's home or secure accommodation placements. Please provide this in a spreadsheet split out between SEND and education and fostering, children's home or secure accommodation. If this is too onerous, I will accept one year's spend.
Both Teams For Independent Non Maintained Special Schools (INMSS) we do not differentiate settings by profit/not for profit status.

3. If any of the above is too onerous, I will settle for confirmation of whether the authority uses Cambian Group and/or Witherslack Group and an overall figure for spend on all for profit providers of all of the services outlined above.
Both teams please see the answer to Q1 & Q2

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