Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Risk of homelessness

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Please can you provide me with information on households put at risk of homelessness.

1. The number of households where someone is in receipt of the state pension who have been put at risk of homelessness in your local authority due to a Section 21 notice in each of the financial years since 2018/19
2018/2019: No data
2019/2020: 1 (Data from July 2019 to March 2020 only)
2021/2022: 3
2022/2023: 0
2023/2024: 0

2. The number of households where someone is in receipt of the state pension who have been put at risk of homelessness in your local authority in each of the financial years since 2018/19
2018/2019: No data
2019/2020: 2 (Data from July 2019 to March 2020 only)
2021/2022: 9
2022/2023: 4
2023/2024: 0

3. The number of households where there where someone is aged under 18 who have been put at risk of homelessness in your local authority due to a Section 21 notice in each of the financial years since 2018/19
2018/2019: 0
2019/2020: 0
2021/2022: 0
2022/2023: 0
2023/2024: 0

4. The number of households where there where someone is aged under 18 who have been put at risk of homelessness in your local authority in each of the financial years since 2018/19
2018/2019: 0; please note in 2018/2019 we only recorded the number of under 18s who we accepted a homelessness duty too, but do not have recorded the number of under 18s who approached the service.
2019/2020: 0; please note in 2019/2020 we only recorded the number of under 18s who we accepted a homelessness duty too, but do not have recorded the number of under 18s who approached the service.
2021/2022: 32; Please note this is the number that approached the service not the number by which the authority accepted a legal duty; most under 18s are referred to Children’s Social Care.
2022/2023: 21; Please note this is the number that approached the service not the number by which the authority accepted a legal duty; most under 18s are referred to Children’s Social Care.
2023/2024: 18; Please note this is the number that approached the service not the number by which the authority accepted a legal duty; most under 18s are referred to Children’s Social Care.

5. The number of households where there where someone is registered as a carer who have been put at risk of homelessness in your local authority due to a Section 21 notice in each of the financial years since 2018/19
We do not collect this data.

6. The number of households where there where someone is registered as a carer who have been put at risk of homelessness in your local authority in each of the financial years since 2018/19
We do not collect this data.

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