Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Spiritual Abuse/Ritual Abuse

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Spiritual Abuse/Ritual Abuse and Care Act 2014.

Please can you respond to the following questions. Please provide figures in actual numbers and not percentages.

1. How many referrals did your Adult Social Care department receive in relation to adults subject to Spiritual Abuse/Ritual Abuse in the year ?
a) 2015:
b) 2016:
c) 2017:
d) 2018:
e) 2019:
f) 2020:
g) 2021:
h) 2022:
i) 2023:
Data is not held in a reportable format as spiritual abuse/ritual abuse does not match up with the categories that we record. To answer this would require a manual trawl through case files, which would not be achievable within the official FOI time limits. (Section 12)

2. How adult victims of Spiritual Abuse/Ritual Abuse were assessed by you under the Care under the Care Act 2014 in the year?
a) 2015:
b) 2016:
c) 2017:
d) 2018:
e) 2019:
f) 2020:
g) 2021:
h) 2022:
i) 2023:
Data is not held in a reportable format as spiritual abuse/ritual abuse does not match up with the categories that we record. To answer this would require a manual trawl through case files, which would not be achievable within the official FOI time limits. (Section 12)

Received Care Package Under Care Act 2014
3. How many adult victims of Spiritual Abuse/Ritual Abuse received a care package of support from you under the Care Act 2014 in the year?
a) 2015:
b) 2016:
c) 2017:
d) 2018:
e) 2019:
f) 2020:
g) 2021:
h) 2022:
i) 2023:
Data is not held in a reportable format as spiritual abuse/ritual abuse does not match up with the categories that we record. To answer this would require a manual trawl through case files, which would not be achievable within the official FOI time limits. (section 12)

Safeguarding Enquiries Carried Out
4. How many safeguarding enquiries did you carry out under the Care Act 2014 (section 42) in relation to concerns about adult(s) subject to Spiritual Abuse/Ritual Abuse in the year?
a) 2015:
b) 2016:
c) 2017:
d) 2018:
e) 2019:
f) 2020:
g) 2021:
h) 2022:
i) 2023:
Data is not held in a reportable format as spiritual abuse/ritual abuse does not match up with the categories that we record. To answer this would require a manual trawl through case files, which would not be achievable within the official FOI time limits. (Section 12)

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