Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Housing register

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Whilst I am particularly interested in knowing the number of requests to live in Swallowfield, I also wish to know how this compares to other towns and villages in the Borough. For context, I am aware that people on the register can request to live in more than one of the Borough's towns and villages.

1. Can you please provide me with the total number of requests on the Council's housing register for an affordable home in each of the borough's settlements?
We do not hold a separate register for ‘affordable homes’, our housing register is for all social housing types, which includes affordable homes – therefore breakdown below is the number of applicants for social housing who have each area of the borough listed as an area of choice:

Arborfield: 633
Barkham: 600
Charvil: 514
Crowthorne: 506
Earley: 742
Finchampstead: 602
Hurst: 527
Remenham: 387
Ruscombe: 461
Shinfield: 655
Sonning: 536
Spencers Wood: 562
Swallowfield: 509
Three Mile Cross: 532
Twyford: 587
Wargrave: 493
Whitely Wood: 435
Winnersh: 739
Wokingham: 884
Wokingham Without: 548
Woodley: 805

2. Can you also confirm the total number of requests currently on the register?
1,112 active social housing applicants on our Housing Register

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