Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Bin Collections

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

The emphasis of this Freedom of Information request is on the number of bins collected by the council and not on the number of bins provided by the council as standard. Please provide the following information for council bins for the financial year 2022-23:

1. What are the maximum amount of bins/receptacles that are available for collection by the council (i.e. general waste bin, recycle bin, food bin, battery bin etc)? This includes bins that residents are charged extra fees to obtain.
The council does not currently limit the amount of waste receptacles presented for general household waste, dry mixed recycling, or food waste collections.
The only exception would be that the garden waste bins would be limited to the number of bins subscribed and paid for.

2. Provide a list with the names of all the bins/receptacles available for collection by the council.
Blue 90 litre sack general waste
Green 60 litre recycling bag
Black 55 litre recycling box (access issue or communal properties only)
Black 23 litre food waste bin
Brown 240 litre garden waste wheeled bin
Single use 75 litre compostable brown sacks
1100l euro bins for communal properties
360l general waste bins for communal properties
240l blue bins for recycling
240l red bins food waste for communal properties

3. If the bin available for collection requires additional fees from a resident, please note the bin requiring fees.
The brown garden waste bin requires an additional fee for the collection and replacement.

4. What is the average number of bins collected from a resident by the council?
The garden waste subscription shows an average of 1 bin per house.
We do not record or hold information regarding the number of other types of waste receptacles presented for collection by residents.

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