Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Home education

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. The number of children that the Council are aware of being homeschooled, by the last 5 years (financial year, calendar year or academic year - however it is reported). If possible, could you also please include the number of these children who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
a) 2018-19 academic year: 209 of which 42 were classified SEND
b) 2019-20 academic year: 249 of which 51 were classified SEND
c) 2020-21 academic year: 341 of which 61 were classified SEND
d) 2021-22 academic year: 360 of which 74 were classified SEND
e) 2022-23 academic year: 369 of which 83 were classified SEND
f) 2023-24 academic year: 378 (as of 22/05/24) of which 103 are classified SEND

2. The number of informal enquiries the Council has sent out to check a child is getting a suitable education at home, by the last 5 years. If possible, could you also please include the number of these children who have SEND.
a) 2018-19 academic year: data unavailable
b) 2019-20 academic year: enquiries sent in relation to 213 children of which 46 were classified SEND
c) 2020-21 academic year: enquiries sent in relation to 284 children of which 54 were classified SEND
d) 2021-22 academic year: enquiries sent in relation to 249 children of which 60 were classified SEND
e) 2022-23 academic year: enquiries sent in relation to 289 children of which 65 were classified SEND
f) 2023-24 academic year: enquiries sent in relation to 262 children (as of 23/05/24) of which 78 are classified SEND

Where enquiries are not sent, this is usually due to the child being removed from the EHE database ahead of contact being made (e.g. due to returning to school or relocating. A significant number come off EHE in September each year ahead of contact)

3. Of those informal enquiries, the number of parents/ caregivers who have engaged with the informal enquiry, by the last 5 years.
a) 2018-19 academic year: data unavailable
b) 2019-20 academic year: 181 of the 213 enquiries engaged with
c) 2020-21 academic year: 278 of the 284 enquiries engaged with
d) 2021-22 academic year: 225 of the 249 enquiries engaged with
e) 2022-23 academic year: 259 of the 289 enquiries engaged with
f) 2023-24 academic year: 235 of the 262 enquiries engaged with (as of 23/05/24)

4. The number of occurrences of a school attendance order being served to a child being home schooled, by the last 5 years.
a) 2018-19 academic year: 1
b) 2019-20 academic year: 2
c) 2020-21 academic year: 0
d) 2021-22 academic year: 2
e) 2022-23 academic year: 0
f) 2023-24 academic year: 0 (as of 23/05/24)

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