Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Council's outstanding borrowing relating to loans

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

According to the borrowing and investment live table, as of 31 December 2023, the council’s outstanding borrowing relating to loans from other local authorities was £70,000,000 (short- and long-term), and the council’s investment in loans to other local authorities was £60,000,000. (Source:

In regards to the above figures, I would like to know:
1. For each individual loan taken by the council:
a) The local authority/lender name
b) The amount advanced (the initial amount)
c) The outstanding balance
d) The interest rate 

e) The settlement date (the date the loan was agreed)
f) The agreed maturity date (the date on which the loan is set to end)

2. For each individual loan given by the council:
a) The local authority/borrower name
b) The amount advanced (the initial amount)
c) The outstanding balance
d) The interest rate
e) The settlement date (the date the loan was agreed)
f) The agreed maturity date (the date on which the loan is set to end) 

I would like the responses to both questions in Excel format (separate sheets for questions 1 and 2) with the sub questions as column headings.

This is a duplicate request, please see WBCIR:18215

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