Last updated:

8th August 2023

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California Crossroads project

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

I would be grateful if you would confirm the following please in relation to the California Crossroads project:

1. How much has the works so far completed cost?
The project is still in construction and therefore we cannot provide this information

2. What is the budget for the project?
The project budget in the MTFP is £4,032m

3. Why is it running late?
A number of factors have contributed to the extension of the current works Phase which are listed below;
* The Ridges had to be closed for emergency gas repairs at the very start of the project, this meant only a small section of the works site could be closed and prevent full site establishment
* When excavating the carriageway for the new drainage works, the existing drainage network was found to be in a state of disrepair (broken pipes, and the drainage run being full of tree roots and debris). To ensure the area did not suffer from drainage issues in the longer term, we instructed the contractor to install a new 160 metre length of drainage pipe which was outside of their original scope extension required.
* In order to ensure the new drainage works were fit for purpose further along the existing drainage network, we instructed the contractor to CCTV survey the drainage network outside of the works scope to ensure it was in a suitable condition.

It is important to note that without the additional works instructed and the delay in establishing the full site, the contractor would be working to the original programme so it is not poor contractor performance, it was additional works being added to the scheme that has accounted for the majority of the programme slippage.

4. Why, given that the project is currently late, is no increase in working times not considered?
As mentioned above, the project is not running behind per se, the deliverables have been increased. As the site is so small we are working with minimal material storage facilities to reduce disruption to local residents/businesses. This relies on regular spoil removal from site, and material deliveries to be staggered so that they can implement items almost as soon as they arrive on site. Spoil removal contractors/material deliveries have a much reduced service on weekends meaning there is little benefit in extending working hours at this stage. There is, we believe an opportunity to recover the time in Phases 2 & 3 of the project.

5. The cost is being covered by developers levies, what is the latest end date that these monies should have been spent?
There are many various legal agreements with the developer and they range between needing to be spent by 2026-2032

6. Was this project specifically earmarked by the developers?
Yes this was a condition placed on the Arborfield garrison development. In 2015 the members at the time decided to take a S106 contribution from the developer and deliver the scheme rather than let the developer do it. This was due to the councillors at the time wanted to improve the whole area and not just the highway as required by the legal agreement with the developer

7. If not what other projects could the money have been spent on?
The money taken from the developer had to be spent on this scheme otherwise it would have needed to be returned to the developer with interest and no improvements works would have taken place on the crossroads

8. I understand no consideration for compensation has been given to the negative financial impact on local businesses specially those at the crossroads? Is that correct?
The S106 funds are specifically ringfenced to deliver the scheme and cannot be used for compensation. The council have a hardship fund that businesses can apply for.

9. Is the contractor under any penalties for failing to complete the any of the project stages on time?
As the contract is live this is commercially sensitive information and cannot be shared.

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