Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Looked after children

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Under the FOI Act 2000 I am requesting the following information:

1. The number of Looked After Children (LAC) in your local authority who between the ages of 16-18 are living or did live in independent living placements. Please provide the numbers of LACs living in independent living placements broken down by year from 2014 to the most recent statistics possible, ideally present day. If records as far back as 2014 are not kept, please provide records from the earliest date you have them until the most recent statistics available.
CIC 31/03/2024 = No. 16-18 in independent accommodation = 0
Data in relation to children’s placement for previous years are published by DFE and can be obtained using this link:

2. The number of Looked After Children (LAC) in your local authority who between the ages of 16-18 are living or lived in semi-independent living placements. Please provide the numbers of LACs living in semi-independent living placements broken down by year from 2014 to the most recent statistics possible, ideally present day. If records as far back as 2014 are not kept, please provide records from the earliest date you have them until the most recent statistics available.
CIC 31/03/2024 = No. 16-18 in semi-independent accommodation = 22

3. The number of independent living properties that the local authority have in their boundary and the number of them that are Ofsted approved.
CIC 31/03/24 = 10 OFSTED Registered 4 Active 6 Proposed

4. The total number of 16-18 year olds in your local authority who are/were Looked After Children between 2014-present day. If records as far back as 2014 are not kept, please provide records from the earliest date you have them until the most recent statistics available.
We are not clear on what is being asked for, please provide clarification.

Data in relation to children’s placement for previous years are published by DFE and can be obtained using this link:

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