Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Parking penalty charge notices

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

a) How many parking penalty charge notices did the council issue in the year 2023/2024?
33,348 Penalty Notices issued.

b) How much in total was charged through the penalty charge notices outlined in question 1a?
Values associated with these Penalty Notices: £1,749,210.

c) How much in total did the council receive in parking penalty charge payments in 2023/2024?

d) How many of the parking penalty charge notices outlined in question 1a were successfully appealed?
6,211 Penalty Notices successfully appealed at informal, Representation or Appeal stages.

a) How many parking penalty charge notices did the council issue in the year 2022/2023?
18,758 Penalty Notices issued.

b) How much in total was charged through the penalty charge notices outlined in question 2a?
The value of these Penalty Notices is £1,107,440.

c) How much in total did the council receive in parking penalty charge payments in 2022/2023?

d) How many of the parking penalty charge notices outlined in question 2a were successfully appealed?
2,923 Penalty Notices successfully appealed at informal, Representation or Appeal stages.

a) How many parking penalty charge notices did the council issue in the year 2018/2019?

b) How much in total was charged through the penalty charge notices outlined in question 3a?
The value of these Penalty Notices is £784,750.

c) How much in total did the council receive in parking penalty charge payments in 2018/2019?

d) How many of the parking penalty charge notices outlined in question 3a were successfully appealed?
2,532 Penalty Notices successfully appealed at informal, Representation or Appeal stages.

4. In the year 2023/2024, in which spending area was the highest amount of money acquired through parking penalty charge notices spent?
Denmark Street car park: £83,135.63.

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