Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Animal Feed, Animal Health & Welfare

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Animal Feed
1. How many officers are in the inspections of animal feed establishments within your council?
3 officers are involved in undertaking these inspections.

2. How many feed establishments are in the council area?
58 registered feed businesses as of 14/05/24

3. How many of these establishments have been inspected within the last 3 years?

4. If these inspections are undertaken by an external agency or contractor, please provide the name of the Agency.

Animal Health & Welfare
5. How many officers are involved in the inspection of premises for the purposes of animal health and welfare?
4 officers are involved in these inspections.

6. How many premises within the council area require an inspection in relation to animal health and welfare?

7. Is there an animal market within the council area?

8. How many officers visit these animal markets, and what frequency?

9. If these inspections are undertaken by an external agency or contractor, please provide the name of the Agency.

Animal Related Licensing
Please provide a link to your licensing register for animal related activities:

10. How many licenses has the council issued in relation to animal boarding establishments? 16 in total, only 4 live as of 28.05.2024

11. How many licences have been issued in relation to riding establishments?
15 in total, only 6 live as of 28.05.2024

12. How many licences have been issued for animal breeding establishments?
(Dog Breeding only) 7 in total, only 4 live as of 28.05.2024

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