Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Right to Buy

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act. In this request, ‘council housing’ includes housing built/owned by ALMOs, and includes both new-builds and acquisitions, but not renovations/refurbishments of existing council housing units (unless it involved demolishing old units and replacing them with new-builds). This request is not asking for ‘net’ figures – so for question 1, if the council added 50 new council housing units between 2011 and 2015 but lost (through whatever route) 45 council housing units during that period, the response to question 1 would be 50, not five.
Questions 1-9 only concern general needs social rent housing, and specifically exclude shared ownership.

1. How many new council housing units did the council complete between 2011 and 2015 (calendar years, inclusive)?

2. Of the units referred to in response to question 1, how many have now been sold under the Right to Buy scheme?

3. Of the units referred to in response to question 1, how many are currently in the process of being sold under the Right to Buy scheme (i.e. the sale process has started but not been completed)?

4. How many new council housing units did the council complete between 2016 and 2020 (calendar years, inclusive)?

5. Of the units referred to in response to question 4, how many have now been sold under the Right to Buy scheme?

6. Of the units referred to in response to question 4, how many are currently in the process of being sold under the Right to Buy scheme (i.e. the sale process has started but not been completed)?

7. How many new council housing units did the council complete in 2021?

8. Of the units referred to in response to question 7, how many have now been sold under the Right to Buy scheme?

9. Of the units referred to in response to question 7, how many are currently in the process of being sold under the Right to Buy scheme (i.e. the sale process has started but not been completed)?

If the council does not hold the requested information by calendar year, please provide the information by financial year (starting in 2010/11) instead.

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