Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Structural survey

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. When was the most recent structural survey for the bridge between Earley Station and Nightingale Road?
Last monitoring inspection was carried out in March 2024.

2. Please provide details of the findings of this report in terms of safety and required mitigation to ensure long term safety for users.
There were no immediate safety concerns raised at that inspection. The council continues to undertake quarterly monitoring of the structure to ensure that it is safe for users.

3. Please also provide the plan of works to demonstrate the council's plan to undertake the required remediation works.
Preliminary design work has started so that repairs can be carried out to the structure. Planned works include a like for like replacement of the approach ramps and refurbishment of the bridge deck sections.
Due to several third-party and complex interfaces, including both utility and Network Rail impacts it is planned to let the works under a design and build contract. This will provide better coordination of work schedules, safety requirements, site track possessions and resource management. There are also land easements to agree.
The current intention is completion of the preliminary design work and project plan by August 2024. This will assist with the time scales for planning the works from preparation of contract documents, the tender process, award of contract and to the commencement on site. Once these details are known and a detailed plan is set out this will be communicated as part of the ongoing project delivery.
All dates currently are subject to obtaining necessary agreements and approvals at each stage and the possession period for the works. These risks will continue to be managed during the project life. Some site investigative works may be required within the periods set out.

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