Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Nursing and Residential - Older Persons

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

We are looking at updating our records and would kindly ask if you have set your new fee rates for the following financial year 24/25 for over 65 years for nursing and residential. If you do not have set rates and source based on the clients needs and market capacity, please could you provide an average rate that you work to or provide some guide prices. We would also kindly ask for the % increase you have applied so that we can apply this to any clients we are currently funding in your area.

1. Fees :
a) Residential: £
b) Residential Dementia: £
c) Nursing (not inc FNC): £
d) Nursing dementia (not inc FNC): £

2. Payments:
Please also advise if the local authority pays for the following and then claims this back or if the homes are paid directly to the homes by the client/representatives:
Unable to provide this information. We do not hold details of whether people share care in a session with other people, nor how many people they share with. We just have a weekly rate and, usually, number of sessions attended.

3. Client Contribution:
Does the local authority pay this direct to the home and then claim back or is this paid direct to the home from the client?
Client contributions are paid by the customer to WBC

4. FNC:
Does the local authority pay this and then claim this back or is this paid direct to the home from the local CCG?
The local ICB pays the home directly for FNC.

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