Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Car parking and enforcement

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I would like to request the following information in relation to parking;

1. Do you currently manage your car parking and enforcement in-house or do you contract to a third party?
Our Parking enforcement is provided by a contracted third party.

2. If in house are you considering contracting the service out in the near future?
No information held. We are currently considering all options for In house/Contracted or a combination of both when the contract ends.

3. If you do employ a parking operator to manage your parking services, who is your current parking provider?
Our current enforcement contract provider is NSL.

4. Do you or the third party manage parking services for both on and off-street parking?
Our contract is for both On and Off-Street enforcement.

5. What is the exact date your current contract/s terminate?
Our current contract ends October 2026.

6. Is there an option to extend the current contract and if so, what period of extension is there?
There is no further extensions to this contract.

7. Can you confirm who is your cashless pay by phone provider? When does this contract expire?
Our cashless pay by phone provider is RingGo and the contract is linked with our enforcement contract which is due to end October 2026.

8. Can you confirm who is your back office IT solution provider and when does the contract expire?
Our back-office IT solutions for enforcement and permits is provided by our enforcement contractors NSL and expires at the same time as the main contract October 2026.

9. Please confirm who supplies your payment machines on and off street?
We have no on-street parking machinces, our off-street Payment machines are provided by Flowbird.

10. Can you confirm the expenditure on maintenance for all parking equipment by year over the last three years?
We have a maintenance contract with Flowbird for all our machines and the annual costs are approx. £55,000 per annum subject to RPI service cost increases annually.

11. Who is your Parking Manager and what is their contact details?
The parking manager is Geoff Hislop who can be contacted by email: Telephone: 0118 974 6000

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