Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Children and young people in relation to Post 16 transport

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and file

Children and young people in relation to Post 16 transport

1. Are there any planned changes to the local authorities post 16 transport policy?
Reviewed annually.

2. If so:

a) Please provide us with details of the proposed changes including but not limited to details of any funding cuts, a breakdown of any funding cuts, how the changes are going to be implemented and from when.
b) How many children are the local authority currently providing transport for and what is the cost of this?
c) Where there is going to be a possible loss of transport, what alternative is going to be offered?
d) Has an equality and impact assessment been carried out with regards to the children and young people that will be affected by these changes, funding cuts/loss of transport? If so, please provide us with a copy of any documentation relating to this.

The Wokingham Borough Council Post-16 Travel Assistance statement for 2024/2025 comes into effect in September 2024. This document is the current policy of Wokingham Borough Council and it will be reviewed annually and republished on the 31 May each year. The local authority will consult with key stakeholders in developing any changes to the existing statement to ensure that it provides a full picture of the available transport and support, but there are no proposals to make any changes at this time.

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