Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Adult Social Care Visual Impairment Service

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Adult Social Care Visual Impairment Service
1. Do you have a Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI) register? If not, who holds the CVI register for your area?
Yes we maintain a visual impairment register for the Borough

2. Do you have an inhouse Visual Impairment Team or a Sensory Team which cover visual impairment? If not, who provides your visual impairment service?
Yes we have an inhouse sensory needs team

3. Does the inhouse Visual Impairment team complete assessments? If not, how do you assess visual impairment needs?
Yes we complete these inhouse

4. Does the inhouse Visual Impairment team prescribe equipment? If not, where does this come from?
Yes we provide provision of specialist equipment

5. Who Funds the equipment? (Please select one of the below options)
Adult Social Care

6. Does the inhouse Visual Impairment team have access to grants for funding?

7. What kind of Grants are provided?

8. Does the inhouse Visual Impairment team make recommendations for adaptations?

9. Do the inhouse Visual Impairment team provide mobility training? If not, who provides your mobility training?

10. What is the average wait for an assessment with an inhouse Visual Impairment team?
Initial Assessment within 3 to 5 working days - Specialist Assessment 4 months

11. What is the average length of time a case remains active?
2 months (estimate)

12. If you outsource, where do you outsource the Visual Impairment service to?

13. What volume of referrals are outsourced?

14. What is the yearly budget for your Visual Impairment service?
Staffing 23/24: £251,920. Equipment is provided via our equipment budget, we do not separate this out so unable to provide this information.

15. How many staff are there in your visual impairment team or outsourced service?
4 positions plus 1 vacant

16. How many with the staffing number are qualified Visual Impairment officers?

17. How many within your staffing number are unqualified?

18. We are planning on collating information on as many local authorities Visual Impairment Services as possible. Are you happy for your responses to be shared with other authorities?

19. If you have said yes to Question 18, would you like to receive a copy of our findings?

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