Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Children Services Joint Legal Cost

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Can you please provide a breakdown of Costs as listed under "Legal Costs through Joint Legal Team" for years listed below,

a) Medium Term Financial Plan 2021-22
Children Services: Legal costs through Joint Legal Team : Most Likely as per budget £710,000 (p75)
The majority of costs are salaries and professional fees
Salaries of the JLT,
Counsel and Counsel KC fees,
Court Fees,
Various other professional fees
Various other sundries e.g. courier, Transcription, and translation.

b) Medium Term Financial Plan 2022-2023
Children Services: Legal costs through Joint Legal Team : Most Likely as per budget £805,000 (p79)
The majority of costs are salaries and professional fees
Salaries of the JLT,
Counsel and Counsel KC fees,
Court Fees,
Various other professional fees
Various other sundries e.g. courier, Transcription, and translation.

c) Medium Term Financial Plan 2023-2024
Children Services: Legal costs through Joint Legal Team : Most Likely column £770,000
The majority of costs are salaries and professional fees
Salaries of the JLT,
Counsel and Counsel KC fees,
Court Fees,
Various other professional fees
Various other sundries e.g. courier, Transcription, and translation.

d) Medium Term Financial Plan 2024-2025
Children Services: Legal Costs through Joint Legal Team : Most Likely as per budget £870,000 (p77)
The majority of costs are salaries and professional fees
Salaries of the JLT,
Counsel and Counsel KC fees,
Court Fees,
Various other professional fees
Various other sundries e.g. courier, Transcription, and translation.

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