Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Housing information

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

1. In relation to request reference WBCIR:17658. I note that although the response in respect of Council housing stock covered the period requested, the response in respect of nominations to housing associations cut-off at 8 October 2023 (perhaps the reporting period?), and so I seek the remainder of the data for the period requested i.e. from 9 October 2023 to 31 December 2023.
There is no further data to provide in relation to this FOI as there were no further Housing Association nominations made from 9th October 2023 to 31st December 2023 for applicants in Bands 3, 4 or 5 for one or two bed properties.

2. In relation to request reference WBCIR:17787. I note your response that all of the two-bed properties held by Wokingham which are designated 'over 55s/sheltered housing stock' are presently tenanted by single persons or couples. As these properties are under-occupied there will be a record as to the reason for same. For the properties in each area, I seek to know the stated reason for under-occupation e.g. death of a previous co-occupant, need for carer, need for support/keyworker, necessity of grandchildren staying over, adult child or other relative living there, shared custody of a child, living with own child, foster carer, child-minding, succession to tenancy, supporting parents, hard to let property, management decisions etc.

For clarity, I seek to know the stated reason for the allocation and/or retention of an additional room.

Below is the breakdown of the 156 single tenants identified in FOI WBCIR:17601 living in two bedroom designated over 55’s and/or sheltered housing stock managed by Wokingham:
• 13 tenants had adult non dependents living with them as part of their household at time of allocation of property
• 11 tenants had dependent children living with them as part of their household at time of allocation of property
• 15 tenants had a medical reasons for a two bed property at time of allocation of property
• 4 tenants required a live in carer at time of allocation of property
• 2 tenants qualified for a 2 bed property under decant policy
• 6 tenants qualified for succession (2) or mutual exchange (4)
• 2 properties are being used as temporary accommodation
• 1 property is being used a temporary decent property
• 101 tenants we no longer have their original housing application for as they are pre our document management system and have fallen out of retention so we are unable to confirm why these single tenants were nominated to a two bed property. However they would have only been nominated to properties they were eligible for but we are not able to evidence this as we are not required to keep the original housing applications for this length of time.

For the breakdown for the 96 Joint tenants identified in FOI WBCIR:17601 living in two bedroom designated over 55’s and/or sheltered housing stock managed by Wokingham:

• 5 tenants had adult non dependents living with them as part of their household at time of allocation of property
• 5 tenants had dependent children living with them as part of their household at time of allocation of property
• 1 downsized from 3bed to 2bed – management agreed
• 23 tenants had a medical reasons for a two bed property at time of allocation of property
• 2 tenants qualified for a 2 bed property under decant policy
• 4 tenants qualified for mutual exchange
• 1 property was hard to let
• 55 tenants we no longer have their original housing application for as they are pre our document management system and have fallen out of retention so I am unable to confirm why these joint tenants were nominated to a two bed property. However they would have only been nominated to properties they were eligible for but we are not able to evidence this as we are not required to keep the original housing applications for this length of time.

3. From 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024, I also seek to know the dates of allocation of 1 and 2 bed properties to applicants in any band, and the date that the applicant joining the housing register.
See attached files.

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