Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Temporary accommodation and homelessness

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am requesting the following information:

1. The amount of money the council paid to providers of temporary accommodation in calendar year 2023, broken down by individual provider (i.e. showing how much was paid to each provider). If the information is not available by calendar year, please provide the figures for the 2023/24 financial year (year-to-date if necessary).

2023 Calendar Year money paid to emergency/ temporary accommodation providers:

Berkshire Rooms: £4,804.40
Dial House Hotel: £1,163.70
Equinox: £22,916.66
Fraser Nash: £814.80
Hanningtons: £7,165
Housing Genie: £4,300
Housing Network: £10,779.60
KB Estate Management: £2,250
Legacy Lodgings: £6,968.63
Martin Conway: £4,732.86
Premier Inn: £71
Travelodge: £329.40

Berkshire Rooms: £1,601.60
Equinox: £22,916.66
Fraser Nash: £235.20
Hanningtons: £6,415
Housing Genie: £6,805
Housing Network: £15,097.20
KB Estate Management: £3,030
Legacy Lodgings: £3,781.74
Martin Conway: £1,817.36
Reading Hotel: £1,440
Travelodge: £774.90
Elmhurst Hotel: £227.52

Berkshire Rooms: £1,980
Equinox: £22,916.66
Hanningtons: £6,777
Housing Genie: £4,550
Housing Network: £13,539.60
KB Estate Management: £2,320
Legacy Lodgings: £2,196.77
Martin Conway: £2,181.70
Reading Hotel: £1,932
Premier Inn: £710
Travelodge: £181.57

Equinox: £22,916.66
Hanningtons: £8,585
Housing Genie: £8,034
Housing Network: £10,177.20
KB Estate Management: £2,390
Legacy Lodgings: £1,320
Martin Conway: £1,745.36

Equinox: £22,916.66
Hanningtons: £11,145
Housing Genie: £9,516
Housing Network: £11,442
KB Estate Management: £1,200
Legacy Lodgings: £450
Martin Conway: £1,745.36
Reading Hotel: £204

Equinox: £22,916.66
Hanningtons: £3,685
Housing Genie: £13,814
Housing Network: £9,945.60
KB Estate Management: £1,620
Legacy Lodgings: £720
Martin Conway: £2,181.70
Reading Hotel: £672
Travelodge: £354.72
Premier Inn: £213

Equinox: £22,916.66
Bow Guest House: £5,031.60
Crown Lodge Guest House: £1,328.40
Hanningtons: £14,055
Housing Genie: £10,360
Housing Network: £10,683.60
KB Estate Management: £2,100
Legacy Lodgings: £5,052
Martin Conway: £1,745.36
Reading Hotel: £5280
Travelodge: £555.80

Crown Lodge Guest House: £5,499.60
Equinox: £22,916.66
Ghatahora Properties: £1,575
Hanningtons: £10,750
Housing Genie: £12,508
Housing Network: £10,821.60
KB Estate Management: £1,680
Legacy Lodgings: £7,462.33
Martin Conway: £2,181.70
Reading Hotel: £6,882
Travelodge: £54.04

Crown Lodge Guest House: £1,100
Equinox: £22,916.66
Ghatahora Properties: £8,900
Hanningtons: £6,655
Housing Genie: £10,530
Housing Network: £11,446.80
KB Estate Management: £4,700
Legacy Lodgings: £6,142
Martin Conway: £1,745.36
My London Lets: £3,415
Reading Hotel: £8,946
Travelodge: £2,909

Crown Lodge Guest House: £6,794.40
Equinox: £22,916.66
Ghatahora Properties: £8,355
Hanningtons: £3,415
Housing Genie: £13,040
Housing Network: £7,794
KB Estate Management: £6,260
Legacy Lodgings: £1,534.68
Martin Conway: £1,745.36
My London Lets: £3,580
Reading Hotel: £5,766

Bow Guest House: £1,406.20
Crown Lodge Guest House: £12,898.90
Equinox: £22,916.66
Fraser Nash: £176.40
Hanningtons: £1,570
Housing Genie: £14,200
Housing Network: £6,866.40
KB Estate Management: £1,260
Legacy Lodgings: £216
Martin Conway: £2,181.70
My London Lets: £3,335
Reading Hotel: £2,790
Royale Berkshire: £3,850

Crown Lodge Guest House: £5,138.40
Equinox: £22,916.66
Fraser Nash: £2,160.90
Hanningtons: £2,895
Housing Genie: £2,972
Housing Network: £5,629.20
KB Estate Management: £1,200
Legacy Lodgings: £249
Martin Conway: £1,745.36
PKB: £420
Royale Berkshire: £2,325
Travelodge: £1,305

2. The number of households currently living in temporary accommodation. This includes households that the council has placed inside or outside the local authority area, but excludes households placed inside the local authority area by other councils
Emergency accommodation (nightly let accommodation): 12
Temporary accommodation: 71
Total: 83

3. Of the placements referred to in response to question 2, how many placements have their rent fully covered by the government subsidy for temporary accommodation costs (i.e. up to 90 percent of January 2011 Local Housing Allowance rates)?

4. In calendar year 2023, how many households did the council assess as having made themselves “intentionally homeless” due to rent arrears?

5. In calendar year 2023, how many households did the council end its homelessness duty towards due to the household’s refusal to accept an offer of housing outside the local authority area?

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