Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Procurement Frameworks

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Do you have a dedicated procurement team?

2. How many FTE’s are dedicated to procurement?
Nine FTE.

3. Please complete the following for procurement projects undertaken in the last 12 months:

a) Over-threshold projects
Number of projects:
Value of contract per year:
This information is available on our Contract Register so Section 21 exemption is applied to this question. Link to the contract register is available via

b) Dynamic Purchasing System
Number of projects:
Value of contract per year:
No DPSs have been set up over the last 12 months.

4. Please complete the following table for the 5 highest value procurement projects undertaken in the last 12 months
This information is available on our Contract Register so Section 21 exemption is applied to this question. Link to the contract register is available via

5. What was your spend in the last 12 months for e-tendering / procurement platform software:
Proactis: £12,800
Intend: £0
Adam Procure: £0
Delta: £0
Bravo: £0

6. Please complete for the Dynamic Purchasing Systems that you use?
Description: Passenger Transport DPS, Care and Support DPS
Managed in-house or contracted: In-House
Spend in last 12 months (or 12 month projected spend if less than 12 months old): We do not report on this information / Information not held.

7. Do you use procurement cards? If so, what was the spend in the last 12 months and what was the cost of this service net of any rebates?
The total amount of spending was £346,196.77. This service is part of our overall banking contract. There are no rebates attached to the use of procurement cards.

8. If places are available, would you like to be invited to join the Steering Group?
Not a Freedom of Information question.

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