Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Blocked drains on road/highways

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Regarding blocked drains on road/highways. In this instance drains are: Highway drainage systems designed to manage the rainwater that lands on the road/highway, both to prevent flooding and to protect the road surface. They can include a wide variety of features including but not limited to roadside surface water drains and channels/gullies, shallow channels that convey water off the road into a drainage ditch (known as ‘grips’ or ‘letts’) and storm drains.

1. How many blocked road drains (as defined above) were reported to you in the following years?
a) 2021: 348
b) 2022: 431
c) 2023: 691

2. How many road drains (as defined above) did you unblock (either after a report or as part of ongoing maintenance) in the following years?
a) 2021: 32298
b) 2022:32388
c) 2023: 32641

3. Total cost spent on unblocking road drains (as defined above) in each of the following years?
a) 2021: £292070
b) 2022: £297942
c) 2023: £376449

4. How many road drains (as defined above) do you maintain?
a) 2021: 31911
b) 2022: 31911
c) 2023: 31911

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