Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Parking tickets

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

In relation to the 2023 calendar year.

1. How many parking tickets were issued to the vehicle that infringed parking regulations in the borough on the most occasions?
78 Penalty Notices issued to one vehicle during this period.

2. What was the penalty value of these tickets?

3. In what street or car park were the majority of them collected?
Easthampstead Road Car Park.

4. How many of them have been paid?

5. What was the make and model of the vehicle?
The vehicle has a personalised number plate and might allow for identifying the individual. We are aware it has been used on more than one vehicle therefore unable to provide make and model.

6. If it was a foreign-registered vehicle please state what was the nationality of its registration.
It is not a foreign Vehicle.

7. Did you manage to impound the vehicle?

8. What is the biggest value of unpaid Penalty Charge Notices issued to one single ‘persistent evader’ vehicle that has built up over a period of time going back where the first unpaid tickets was before 1.1.22? Please state (i) the value of these unpaid tickets, (ii) the date of the first and last unpaid tickets, (iii) the number of these unpaid tickets, (iv) the make and model of the vehicle, (v) have you seized the vehicle or taken any other action to reduce the unpaid balance?
Penalty Notices to a single persistent evader.
i) Valued at £7,844.00
ii) First PCN issued 01/05/2021, Last PCN issued 18/03/2024.
iii) 126 Penalty Notices
iv) Personalised number plate over several vehicles.
v) Warrants issued for outstanding cases, WBC do not seized vehicles.

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