Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Audit Delays

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am requesting, please:

1. All the correspondence from January 1 2021 to date between Wokingham Borough Council and Ernst & Young and vice versa with regard to the auditing of Wokingham Borough Council annual accounts for 20/21 and 21/22.
2. All the correspondence from January 1 2021 to date between Wokingham Borough Council and Carter Jonas and vice versa with regard to the valuation of Wokingham Borough Council investments/assets.
3. All the correspondence from January 1 2021 to date between Wokingham Borough Council and PSAA and vice versa with regard to the auditing of Wokingham Borough Council annual accounts for 20/21 and 21/22.

Wokingham Borough Council are applying Section 12 Exemption to this request. The request would exceed 18 hours of work to complete and is a disproportionate effort to complete. Audit Committee will have received updates in relation to these audits and are the best place to see a summarised version of the events that have gone on.

At least 20 Officers would have communicated on the Audit, and there would likely be in excess of 200 requests/queries in relation to information needed for the Audit. Audits cover hundreds of hours through the year by various individuals, and there will be a great deal of information held. As mentioned the Audit Committee on the Councils website is the best place to review what has occurred. We cannot specify which Audit Committee, however, Finance have advised that due to the length of time the Audits were going on and frequent updates its likely this was covered in nearly every Audit Committee that took place. As the Audit Committee items are publicly available Section 21 exemption would apply for this data.

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