Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Parking payment system

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

Please provide;

1. Name of 3rd party software company who provided the payment system for the Wokingham Borough Council card payment machines in the Wokingham Borough Council car parks.
The merchant banking contractor for card payments is WearePlanet.

2. The year it was installed.
The machines were installed across all car parks between April - June 2019.

3. How often the software is checked
The software is checked whenever we get reports of a fault or we change the pricing within the car park.

4. Name of organisation who maintains it.
Maintenance of the machines is carried out in 2 levels. (Level 1 replacement ticket rolls, Batteries, coin jams general cleaning by our enforcement officers) (level 2 Service repairs replacement parts by Flowbird our machine suppliers).

5. Last time (date) when Councillers checked the system for themselves using a credit card to check-in and out
We do not hold this information.

6. Process used if a resident reports a fault on the systems.
Enforcement team will investigate the machine and bring it back into service or report the fault for an engineer to attend to rectify the fault.

7. Error logs for checking in and out for February 2024 using card payments
We had 60,478 successful card transactions and 6,265 aborted transactions over the same period. The system only informs us that the transaction was aborted. We are unable to determine the reason for the aborted transaction, but could be any one of the reasons shown below:

Reasons for an aborted transaction
• when a customer prepays for a ticket and then tries to check out this would create an aborted transaction.
• Trying to check out following max stay auto check out for example: all transactions for previous day will be auto checked out at 6am so anyone checking out after that will be aborted. Trying to check out after 2 hours in a 2-hour max stay car park.
• Cancellation of a transaction by customer (wrong registration)
• Timed out contacting the bank using card
• Insufficient funds to approve transaction
• Reported stolen card
• Machine goes out of order

8. How much WBC raised on PCNS in Jan 2023 to Jan 2024.
The Council recovered £735,527.45 from 28,549 issued Penalty Notices from 1 Jan 2023 to 31 Jan 2024.

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