Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Ticket machines Easthampstead Road East and West car parks

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I’m writing with a request for transaction data from ticket machines in the Easthampstead Road East and West car parks.

1. How many transactions were recorded by ticket machines at these car parks over the past 12 months.
Between February 23 and February 24, we had 60,280 card transactions across both Easthampstead Road car parks.

2. How many of these were successful?
52,714 of these transactions were successfully completed.

3. How many or these were unsuccessful or aborted? And, if possible, can you include the reason for each failed or aborted transaction?
7,566 Transactions were aborted. We are unable to determine the reason for the aborted transaction, but could be any one of the reasons shown below:

Reasons for an aborted transaction
• when a customer prepays for a ticket and then tries to check out this would create an aborted transaction.
• Trying to check out following max stay auto check out for example: all transactions for previous day will be auto checked out at 6am so anyone checking out after that will be aborted. Trying to check out after 2 hours in a 2-hour max stay car park.
• Cancellation of a transaction by customer (wrong registration)
• Timed out contacting the bank using card
• Insufficient funds to approve transaction
• Reported stolen card
• Machine goes out of order

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