Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Public Health Funerals

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to request the following information regarding funerals arranged by the Council under Section 46 Public Health Act 1984 (England and Wales).

1. How many such funerals has the Council arranged since 2 January 2024?

2. In each case please disclose:
a) The name and last residential address of the deceased
William Nicholas. RG6 3UJ  (full address not provided for crime prevention purposes)

b) The deceased’s dates of birth and death
13/06/1933. 23/02/24.

c) Whether the deceased’s next of kin/family members have been traced
None traced or willing at time of funeral arrangement.

d) Whether the deceased’s estate has been referred to the Government Legal Department or elsewhere

3. Has the Council passed this information to any other individual or organisation (either formally through a FOI request or by other means)?

4. Does the Council work with any genealogist? If so, which?

5. Does the Council publish a list of Public Health Funerals it has arranged? If so:
a) Where is the list published (please provide web url if on-line)?
b) How often is the list updated?
c) When was the list last updated?
Not currently.

6. Who in the Council is responsible for the Council’s Public Health Funerals? Please advise us of their names and contact details.
Environmental Health.

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