Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

On-street electric vehicle charging bay size standards and regulations

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

I am after information on-street electric vehicle charging bay size standards and regulations.

1. Do you have a standard size requirement for on-street electric vehicle charging bays in your area?
a) For Q1, please provide the standard size requirement
No, however the Council is following any best practice guidance on this matter. For the retrofit of electric vehicle infrastructure in existing street environments the principles of PAS 1899:2022 Electric vehicles – Accessible charging – Specification are taken into consideration whilst this is among the requirements of our tender specifications. Every site though is assessed on a case-by-case basis and departure from PAS 1899 is considered when there are limitations to exiting layouts e.g. narrow carriageway widths or height demand for on-street parking.

2. Do you have on-street electric vehicle charging bays which are designated specifically for vans or LCV models?
a) For Q1, if the answer is ‘yes’, how many of the total number of on-street electric vehicle charge bays are designated for van or LCV models?
No, please see above response.

3. Since January 2019, how many vehicles have been issued with PCNs for parking outside the lines of the on-street electric vehicle charging bay?
a) For Q2, please provide a year-by-year breakdown of the figures
b) For Q2, how many of the PCNs have been issued to Vans or LCV models, also providing a year-by-year breakdown
c) For Q2 (b), please provide the value in (£) of the PCNs paid, also providing a year-by-year breakdown
We currently do not have a traffic order in place for electric vehicle charging bays on street so no PCNs can be issued at this time.

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