Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Serious Road Traffic Collision within Hurst 30mph speed zone

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

There was a serious accident that occurred at approx 08:30 on Thursday 4th January on the A321 (Twyford to Wokingham) road. The accident itself was between Orchard Road (to the north of the accident scene and Chain Cottage (to the south of the accident).

1. I request that I be sent a copy of the final accident report from the police (with all personal information suitably redacted) so that I can verify the comment that speed was not a contributing factor to this accident.
Typically the Council do not receive detailed accident reports from the police unless the incident results in a fatality. However, if you wish to obtain further information about the accident, we recommend reaching out directly to the Thames Valley Police. Our understanding that is was not speed related was based on initial conversations with the police.

2. Cllr Fishwick (Executive Member for Active Travel, Transport and Highways) stated “notwithstanding individual instances of antisocial driving, traffic speeds are broadly compliant with the speed limit”. For this statement to be made, there must be demonstrable evidence to support it. I therefore ask that the evidence used to make this statement is shared with me please.
Regarding Cllr Fishwick's statement about traffic speeds on the A321 road, we must clarify that the statement was based on a broader assessment rather than specific data related to the recent accident. However, we can provide information regarding our understanding of traffic speeds on the A321 within Hurst.

Our data shows that there have been no accidents caused by speeding on the A321 road within Hurst. Additionally, our telematics software indicates good speed compliance on this stretch of road. While we acknowledge that individual instances of antisocial driving may occur, overall traffic speeds are broadly compliant with the speed limit.

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