Last updated:
30th December 2024
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Unit4 ERP
See notes
I understand your Council uses Unit4 ERP (Business World / Agresso).
1. Please can you tell me how many people there are in the team that supports the Unit4 application including the team manager.
2. Do the team members provide general support for all modules or do they specialise in their own specific areas e.g HR/Payroll, Procurement.
General support for all modules.
3. Do you structure your application support team by grade, where lower grade staff provide simple first line support, moving up to second or even third line support.
4. Do your support team carry out routine daily tasks such as the loading of BIF payment files or is this carried out by the specific business function such as Accounts Payable team.
These types of tasks are mainly carried out by our specific business.
5. Do your support team have the ability to develop the system in house such as creating new AG16's, database views and alike, or do you utilise consultancy for this type of development?
Yes, some team members have the ability to create new AG16's/database views.
6. When you are required to perform a version update e.g from SU7.10 to 7.12 would you utilise consultancy to assist or is it all done in house?
Completed in house.