Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Nicotine inhaling products

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Please provide;

1. The number of individuals who have been prosecuted in the last 12 months within your organisation’s jurisdiction for the sale of nicotine inhaling products (sometimes known as “e-cigarettes”, “vapes”, or “vapour products”) to individuals aged under 18, due to investigations conducted by Wokingham Council.

2. The number of businesses and sole traders subject to any penalty in the last 12 months (including but not limited to fine, opening restrictions, removal of premises license) for the sale of nicotine inhaling products (sometimes known as “e-cigarettes”, “vapes”, or “vapour products”) to individuals aged under 18, due to investigations conducted by Wokingham Council.
Zero; albeit that a warning letter was sent to the one premise where a successful underage purchase was made.

3. The number of shops, and other places of business (including but not limited to market stalls, ‘car-boot sales’ and other point of sale locations) that council employees have visited in the last 12 months for the purposes of detection and disruption of the sale of nicotine inhaling products to individuals aged under 18.

4. The number of trading standard officers employed by the council whose job description, roles and responsibilities, entail the investigation, detection, and disruption of the sale of nicotine inhaling products to individuals aged under 18 and/or the removal of illicit products from retailers.
Ten, albeit that there is no specific mention of UAS in the JD’s but the Children & Families Act will appear on our list of legislation that we enforce.

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