Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Shinfield Footpath 3 - Land Adjacent to Shinfield Studios, Cutbush Lane, Shinfield

Request ID
Date Received

See notes


1. Please confirm whether the Council has confirmed the Order as an unopposed order under Section 119 of the HA 1980, if so, please provide us with a copy of the confirmed Order.

2. Please provide;
a) a copy of the notice given by the Council in accordance with paragraph 1(1) of Schedule 6 to the HA 1980;

b) a copy of the relevant page of the local newspaper in which the notice was published;

c) a copy of the notice given to Shenfield Parish Council; and

d) details of where copies of the notice were displayed in accordance with paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 6 of the HA 1980 and, in the case of copies displayed on the land, photographs showing the copy notices displayed in the relevant locations.

3. Please confirm whether the works outlined at (a) and (c) above were authorised by a planning permission. If so, please provide details of the application reference number under which the planning permission was issued or, in the case of planning permission granted by development order, please confirm the specific provisions of that development order under which the works were authorised and (if applicable) a copy of any relevant licence or other agreement under which the Applicant carried out the works.

4. If the works outlined at (a) and (c) above were not authorised by a planning permission, please confirm how these works were authorised.

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