Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Developer s106 agreements securing BNG

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

1. Which officer at the council is responsible for biodiversity net gain and should be contacted about landowner and developer s106 agreements securing BNG?
If the enquiry is from a landowner who is interested in using a s106 agreement to secure BNG on their land (independent of a specific planning application) in order to be able to register on the national register for off-site BNG then they should use This will be picked up by one of the team of Andy Glencross, Laura Buck, or Duncan Fisher.

If the enquiry is from a developer who is wishes to discuss biodiversity net gain options related to a potential planning application, including seeking the securing of on-site BNG units so they can be registered and used to supply units to other development, then they should use our standard pre-app services:

2. Does the council have a template for an offsite biodiversity gain site section 106 agreement and if so could a link to this be provided?
We do not currently have a template s106 agreement for securing off-site BNG to supply the mandatory BNG market. This might be something that we create in due course but the reality will be that each s106 will need to be tailored to the specifics of the site and BNG enhancements being proposed/secured.

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