Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Parenting skills support

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Please put ‘yes’ beside the below if the local authority offers any of the programmes listed. Many of these programmes have numerous different sub-programmes, please put ‘yes’ if the authority uses any of these.

a) Incredible Years
i. Baby Parenting: Yes.
ii. Well-Baby: No.
iii. Toddler Parenting: Yes.
iv. Attentive Parenting: No.
v. Preschool Parenting: Yes.
vi. School Readiness: No.
vii.School Age Parenting: Yes.
viii. Advanced Parenting: No.
ix. Autism Spectrum and Language Delays: No.
x. Helping Preschool Children with Autism: No.

b) Triple P
i. Triple O Online for Baby: No.
ii. Triple P Online 0-12: Yes.
iii. Triple P Online: Yes.
iv. Teen Triple P Online: Yes.
v. Fear-Less Triple P Online: No.

c) Solihull Approach
i. Antenatal courses: No.
ii. Postnatal courses: No.
iii. Children and Young People: No.
iv. Teenagers: No.
v. Adults: No.

d) Family Links Nurture
i. Little Talkers: No.
ii. The Nurturing Porgramme: No.
iii. Talking Teens: No.
iv. Keeping your child in mind: No.

e) Take 3 Parenting Programme: No.

f) Talking Tots
i. Baby Talk 4+ months: No.
ii. Sprites 12+ months: No.
iii. Sprinters 2+ years: No.
iv. Sparklers 3+ years: No.

g) Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities: No.

h) Empowering Parents Empowering Communities
i. Baby and Us: No.
ii. Being a Parent: No.
iii. Living with Teenagers: No.
iv. Being a Parent of a child with autism: No.
v. Being a Parent of child with ADHD: No.
vi. Being a Parent Together: No.

2. Does the local authority provide any e-learning style parenting skills programmes?
We signpost families to complete the Triple P Parenting training online.

3. If the local authority does provide any e-learning style parenting skills programmes, what are they called?
We signpost families to complete the Triple P Parenting training online.

4. How much did the local authority spend on e-learning style parenting courses - including commissioning and licensing costs - in the last fiscal year for which finances are available? Not including courses delivered by Zoom/Microsoft Teams or staffing costs.

5. If an external body delivers parenting skills training on behalf of the local authority, what is their spend on e-learning style parenting courses?
Not applicable.

6. How many parents accessed e-learning parenting skills courses and online parenting skills programmes in the last year for which data is available? Not including those supported via Zoom or Teams. Even if parents didn’t complete courses, please do include their initial uptake as attendance.
Not applicable.

7. Does the local authority collect any feedback on the e-learning style courses delivered?
Not applicable.

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