Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Sports facilities

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Please can I request the following on sport and youth services facilities.

1. The total number of sport facilities ran by or receiving financial support from your Local Authority at the beginning of each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24

2. The total budget in pounds (£) and the percentage of your Local Authorities total budget spent on sport facilities funding in each of the financial years
MTFP Budget % Sport facilities
a) 2019-20: £121,184,000 (0.00511%)
b) 2020-21: £129,697,000 (0.00442%)
c) 2021-22: £132,478,000 (0.00516%)
d) 2022-23: £144,655,000 (0.00524%)
e) 2023-24: Future publication. Information not yet known as financial year hasn't concluded.

3. The total number of youth and children's services ran by or receiving financial support from your Local Authority at the beginning of each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24

4. The total budget in pounds (£) and the percentage of your Local Authorities total budget spent on youth and children’s services funding in each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24
None/Not applicable.

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