Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Hayes Drive

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Date Received
Date Resolved

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The permissions information is as per the attached spreadsheet. They can check delivery status at April 2021 with reference to the attached 5YHLS statement and the relevant Authority Monitoring Reports available here (for non-residential development).

A lot of the detail that they’re asking for is in the public domain as part of the planning application information, and not necessarily something we keep a record of. So to find out the information on location relative to the zones, number of people living, working and visiting etc, they can obtain that from our website searching the relevant apps in the spreadsheet.

1. Details of each planning permission granted but not fully implemented at 1st April 2021 which will have increased the number of people living, working or visiting the area around the AWE facility at Burghfield. I also need to know what the increase in people will be for each of these schemes and whether they are within the Urgent Protective Actions zone defined in the Consequences Report of 2019, between the Urgent Protection Actions zone and the most recent Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (January 2023) or outside of the Detailed Emergency Planning Zone.
Attached spreadsheet, cross referenced to delivery status in attached 5YHLS 2021, and relevant AMR (linked above), and planning app details.

2. also require the details of any planning permission granted since 1st April 2021 which will have increased the number of people living, working or visiting the area around the AWE facility at Burghfield. I also need to know what the increase in people will be for each of these permissions granted since 1st April 2021 and whether they are within the Urgent Protective Actions zone defined in the Consequences Report of 2019, between the Urgent Protection Actions zone and the most recent Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (January 2023) or outside of the Detailed Emergency Planning Zone
Attached spreadsheet and planning app details.

3. Details of any pending planning application at the date used to as cut-off for planning permissions which could increase the number of people living, working or visiting the area around the AWE facility at Burghfield. As with other questions, what the increase in people within each zone (in UPA, between UPA and DEPZ) and outside of the DEPZ) would be if approved.
Attached spreadsheet and planning app details.

4. Details of any application submitted since the cut off date for planning permissions which could increase the number of people living, working or visiting the area around the AWE facility at Burghfield. As with other questions, what the increase in people within each zone (in UPA, between UPA and DEPZ) and outside of the DEPZ) would be if approved. For this response, I would need to know what the period the list of applications covers.
This can be found on the planning register

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