Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Weight management service

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Whether the council has weight management service contracts with Slimming World/Miles Bramwell or WW/Weight Watchers, either directly or through a third party organisation?
Wokingham Borough Council does not have any weight management service contracts with Slimming World/Miles Bramwell or WW/Weight Watchers, either directly or through a third party organisation.

If so…
2. The total amount paid over the course of any current contracts with Slimming World – or estimated budget, where amount paid not available.

3. The total amount paid over the course of contracts with Slimming World - or estimated budget, where amount paid not available – for the financial year: 2023-present.

4. The total amount paid over the course of any current contracts with Weight Watchers/WW – or estimated budget, where amount paid not available.

5. The total amount paid over the course of contracts with Weight Watchers - or estimated budget, where amount paid not available – for the financial year: 2023-present.

6. The start and end dates of active contracts with Slimming World.

7. The start and end dates of active contracts with Weight Watchers.

8. How many people have accessed Slimming World through the council’s partnership in the last year 2023-present?

9. How many people have accessed Weight Watchers through the council’s partnership in the last year 2023-present?

10. What future contracts or renewals does the council have agreed or pending with Slimming World/Miles Bramwell or WW/Weight Watchers, either directly or through a third party organisation?

11. What is the status of these contracts? o What is the value of these contracts?

12. What are the start and end dates of these contracts?
Not applicable

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