Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Contaminated land and Green Belt land

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is designated as Green Belt.
2. The proportion of the total area of your local authority that is designated as Green Belt.
Statistics on land designated as Green Belt in England by local authority are publicly available on the government website and this information is updated annually:
The latest document containing the relevant data is titled ‘Accompanying tables: total area and net changes to green belt by local authority district 2022-23 (annual)’. This includes the area of Green Belt and the percentage of the authority area.
NB: the data is in hectares.

3. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that consists of contaminated land - under the official definition:
There are currently no areas designated as contaminated land under Part2A of Environmental Protection Act 1990 in Wokingham Borough Council.

4. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is both designated as Green Belt and is contaminated land, under the official definition. If you do not have an exact figure please provide a minimum figure or approximate estimate if possible.
There are currently no areas designated as contaminated land under Part2A of Environmental Protection Act 1990 in Wokingham Borough Council.

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