Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Adult Social Care innovation

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Do you currently place any individuals with a learning disability in Shared Lives placements? If not, do you have any plans to make such placements? Please provide any estimates of financial savings that you make, or anticipate making, as a result of any such placements.
We buy into Reading Shared Lives scheme and are at our capacity in that scheme. We have no plans to place in the foreseeable future.

2. Please provide any estimates for financial savings, or anticipated future financial savings, through the integration of services with the NHS? Do you use, or plan to use, HCRG Care Group to commission services, including joint commissioning with the NHS?
We estimate no financial savings through joint commissioning with the NHS. We do not use, nor plan to use HCRG Home group.

3. Do you currently commission the British Red Cross to provide home care services, or have any plans to do so? If so, please provide any estimates of financial savings that you make, or anticipate making. Do you currently commission other organisations to provide home care services? If so, please provide any estimates of financial savings that you make, or anticipate making.
We do not commission British Red Cross. We do not anticipate making savings in Home Care.

a) How many social care users did you provide with care technology, such as "Telecare" or "personalised reminders", in their homes for the financial year 2022/23? Please provide any estimates of financial savings that resulted. Please advise if you have provided social care service users with Argenti telecare, or plan to do so. If so, please provide any estimates of financial savings that have resulted or are anticipated.
We have provided 325 individuals with telecare via NRS equipment suppliers, we do not prescribe Argenti telecare, all our equipment is sourced by our main telecare provider NRS, Argenti doesn't appear to be on their catalogue.

b) Please advise if you have provided social care service users with GenieConnect "personalised reminders" from Service Robotics, or have any plans to do so? If so, please provide any estimates of financial savings that have resulted or are anticipated.
No current plans.

a) Do you make available, or plan to make available, AI powered ceiling lamps to social care service users? If so, please provide any estimates of financial savings that have resulted or are anticipated.
No specific plans.

b) Do you have other plans to make use of robotics/AI/new technology to reduce the risk of falls and otherwise improve the standard of care?
We will continue to use new TEC as it becomes available.

c) If so, please specify and provide any estimates of financial savings that have resulted or are anticipated.
None calculated at this time.

6. Have you introduced, or do you plan to introduce, digitisation of social care service users records? If so, please provide any estimates of financial savings that have resulted or are anticipated.
We expect providers to be innovative in their delivery of care but there is no requirement for providers to have digital records in place.

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