Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Social care charges for non-residential care services

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to request information on the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) used by your local authority in the calculation of social care charges for non-residential (otherwise known as ''home care'' or ''community care'') care services. The MIG is set at the statutory level by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care following an annual review. The Care Act (2014) allows local authorities to implement a discretionary local uplift to any or all of the statutory MIG rates.

1. Has your local authority had any discretionary MIG uplift in place in the financial years a) 2021/22 b) 2022/23 and c) 2023/24 for any or all of the various MIG rates (by this I mean: the MIG rate specified for a single person aged 18-25; for a single person aged over 25 and less than pension credit age; for a single person of pension credit age; for a lone parent aged 18 or over; for a couple of working age; and for a couple where one or both is of pension credit age).
Frozen by the government in 2021/22,changed in 2022/23 and 2023/24. All MIG rates are discretionary by Wokingham Borough Council.

2. In all cases of a discretionary MIG uplift, please confirm the level of the discretionary uplift, as a percentage of the statutory rate.

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