Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Damp and/or mouldy home

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Please can I request the following information on damp homes and mouldy homes.

1. The number of people in your Local Authority with known respiratory issues who are known to reside in a damp and/or mouldy home in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023
2. The number of people in your Local Authority under the age of 18 with known respiratory issues who are known to reside in a damp and/or mouldy home in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023
3. The number of people in your Local Authority over the age of 65 with known respiratory issues who are known to reside in a damp and/or mouldy home in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023

We do not record this information or are unable to report it. Complaints about mouldy/damp homes would not record if the individual has respiratory issues unless they wished to divulge that to us. We do not have a reporting function on that so would have to manually search. Other service areas might hold information relating to respiratory issues (public health, social care, etc) however this information would not be able to marry up to that of damp homes. The information would not be easy to extract and compare, nor has that information ever been verified.

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