Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Occupational Therapist Role

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. How many equipment-based assessments did you carry out in the last FY?
124 Manual Handling Assessments
7 Seating Assessments
1,715 OT DFG Plan/Re-ablement Care Assessments (which can include equipment, minor and major adaptations as well as therapeutic intervention).

2. What is the current average wait time for this type of assessment?
27 days.

3. Is it your organisation’s current policy to use Trusted Assessors within your equipment assessments pathways?

4. How many staff do you employ as Trusted Assessors?
None, however our we offer Level 3 Trusted Assessor Accreditation Training to our Social Care Practitioners and qualified Social Workers.

a) What percentage are accredited / unaccredited?
Not applicable.

b) If accredited, how many are accredited at level three? At level four?
We currently have 16 level 3 Trusted Assessors

5. Which roles and services are they based in?
See above, are in First Contact Team, Hospital Discharge Team, Learning Disability Team, Ongoing Support Team, Review Team, Sensory Needs, Early Support Team, Technology Enabled Care Team

6. What is your policy on refreshing their training?
Have to, minimum number of cases per year, and in-house competency framework.

7. Is the number expected to grow?

8. What percentage of equipment assessments are carried out face to face / remotely?
a. What percentage of assessments that are remote are telephone based / video based?
We do not report on this. It would exceed 18 hours to complete this work due to manually having to carry out the work.

9. Can people access a DFG funded home adaptation without the involvement of an OT?

10. Is any of your Trusted Assessor provision outsourced?
None, however our we offer Level 3 Trusted Assessor Accreditation Training to our Social Care Practitioners and qualified Social Workers.

11. Do you accept prescriptions or recommendations for equipment from external organisations such as care and nursing homes, housing associations, supported living providers or domiciliary care providers if the case handler is an OT (Occupational Therapist) or Trusted Assessor?
a) How many cases were handled of this type in the last FY?
We accept prescription and recommendation from health partners. Information is not recorded on our database.

12. Is your community equipment service managed in-house or via an external contract?
External contract.

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