Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

The Animal Law Foundation

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

In relation to farm animal species only during the years 2022 and 2023 (broken down by year):

1. Do you enforce farmed animal welfare legislation?

2. How many of each of the following are under your authority?
a) Farms: 148
b) Markets: 0
c) Borders: 0

Premise on the database are fluid in number as they change as premises open and close. Currently this is the number of premise showing as types of livestock premise.

3. How many of each of the following in your jurisdiction were inspected one or more times?
a) Farms:
2022: 22
2023: 5
b) Markets: Not applicable.
c) Borders: Not applicable.

4. How many of each of the following in your jurisdiction showed non-compliance with animal welfare law following an inspection:
a) Farms:
2022: 1
2023: 0
b) Markets: Not applicable.
c) Borders: Not applicable.

5. How many of each of the following were inspected more than once in your jurisdiction?
a) Farms:
2022: 0
2023: 0
b) Markets: Not applicable.
c) Borders: Not applicable.

6. What were the total number of inspections that were conducted in your jurisdiction at each of the following:
a) Farms:
2022: 22
2023: 5
b) Markets: Not applicable.
c) Borders: Not applicable.

7. What was the total number of inspections conducted in your jurisdiction at each of the following that found non-compliance with animal welfare law?
a) Farms:
2022: 1
2023: 0
b) Markets: Not applicable.
c) Borders: Not applicable.

8. What was your body’s budget for farmed animal welfare enforcement?
There is no set budget specifically for animal welfare enforcement, it is contained within the overall Public Protection Partnership budget.

9. Please list whether an official improvement notice or a prosecution was issued or commenced by you on each of the occasion an inspection revealed non-compliance at each of the following:
a) Farms:
2022: 0
2023: 0
b) Markets: Not applicable.
c) Borders: Not applicable.

10. How many welfare complaints did you receive in relation to the following:
a) On-farm animal welfare:
2022: 3
2023: 3
b) Welfare at markets:
2022: 0
2023: 0
c) Welfare during transport:
2022: 0
2023: 0
d) Welfare at a border post:
2022: 0
2023: 0

11. How many welfare complaints did you investigate in relation to the following:
a) On-farm animal welfare:
2022: 3
2023: 3
b) Welfare at markets:
2022: 0
2023: 0
c) Welfare during transport:
2022: 0
2023: 0
d) Welfare at a border post:
2022: 0
2023: 0

12. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in the Animal Welfare Act 2006?
a) Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution?
2022: 0
2023: 0

13. How many improvement notices did you serve under section 10 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 for failures to comply with section 9(1) of that Act?
2022: 0
2023: 0

14. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in Section 7 of the Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2007?
a) Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution?
2022: 0
2023: 0

15. How many compliance notices were issued by your inspectors for failures to comply with the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006?
2022: 0
2023: 0

16. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in the Welfare of Animals at Markets Order 1990?
a) Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution?
2022: 0
2023: 0

17. How many individuals subject to any of the above enforcement action had previously committed an animal welfare offence?
Not applicable.

18. How many people do you employ to carry out farm animal welfare inspections as part of their duties?
a) How many farm animal welfare inspections did they complete?
2022: 1.85 FTE
2023: 2.0 FTE

These officers are employed by the Public Protection Partnership and carry out inspections across Bracknell, Wokingham and West Berkshire local authorities.

19. How many people do you employ to carry out enforcement of the Animal Health Act 1981 as part of their duties?
In addition to the above the service has 10 officers who are qualified in animal welfare enforcement but who routinely do not undertake this work.

20. In handling future freedom of information requests, is your authority able to respond to questions through a Google Form as an alternative to email response to enhance accessibility and efficiency?

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