Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Countering terrorism and extremism

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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I am interested in existing policies relating to countering terrorism and extremism. In particular, how far-right extremism is countered by the organisation, with particular regard to potentially radicalising material/material that is linked to or may be considered to promote extremist ideologies.

a) What training courses or training sessions, either delivered by internal or external instructors, do staff typically complete with regard to the issue of terrorism extremism? Are there mandatory courses?
• Home Office Prevent General Awareness training for all staff – mandatory.
• Prevent Duty Training - Childrens Services Staff
• Prevent Referrals – Safeguarding leads – staff making referrals
• Prevent training and links to Domestic Abuse

We also have a dedicated Prevent Lead who runs regular workshops with social care staff.

b) Or, if there is no typical framework for courses: what courses have been delivered on this subject in the past 12 months up to date?
Local authorities oversee delivery of the programme locally, collaborating with partners to understand and respond to local risks. We have a Prevent Board and multi-agency Channel Panel.

2. If possible, can you please provide copies of the training material delivered in these sessions/courses: any slides, booklets etc?
All online e-learning training – however attached is a poster used to advertise our training.

a) What training material or material for guidance is currently held for staff? For example, is there a permanent staff handbook on spotting and dealing with signs of extremism?
The Council has a permanent dedicated intranet page which provides information about Prevent Duty, the role colleagues play, training and resources and how to report a concern.
It includes guidance for staff on spotting and dealing with the signs of extremism.

b) Could you please provide copies of any such material?
The training is all online e-learning.

4. Could you please provide any lists or summaries of material that has been deemed, in any guidance provided to staff, to be connected to extremist ideologies, or to promote these ideologies.
The e-learning is all online – attached is a poster which is used to help promote the training.

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