Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Calming/Secure rooms

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Calming/secure/sensory/quiet rooms refers to rooms within a special school where children are left, however briefly, in isolation.

1. A list of all safeguarding incidents which have occurred in special school calming/secure/sensory/quiet rooms since January 1st 2019. Please detail when the incidents occurred, a description of what was alleged to have occurred and who reported it, any action taken in response and any outcomes.
2. Please detail any section 47 safeguarding referrals or complex abuse investigations relating to such incidents or practices which have occurred in the period. Please state what the allegations were, provide a description of the incident and detail the nature of the investigation along with any outcomes.

The LADO service deals with allegations against Staff Members where it is alleged that they have harmed or risked harming a child, have committed a criminal offence or behaved in a way that suggests they are a risk to children. Safeguarding incidents that have occurred in a “calming room” without harm being alleged by a staff member would not be referred to the LADO.

The LADO has received no contacts from Special Schools which met the threshold for a LADO Allegation (safeguarding threshold), that are confirmed has having occurred in a “calming” or “sensory room”.

The LADO has been involved in the review of the arrangements for one child in a special school in April 2022 to ensure that he was not being deprived of his liberty, in respect of a door hold for a room where the child would go when dysregulated. This was reviewed between the school, the SEND Team and the LADO – no concerns were found and no safeguarding incidents raised.

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