Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Personal Budgets in Education

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. How many children/young people within your Local Authority with an EHCP have no school or setting named in Section I of their Plan (as at Jan 24)?
There are two occasions where a CYP would not have a setting named in their plan:

A) Where they have an agreement for EOTAS, in which case Section I remains blank – there are 16 of these in Wokingham Borough Council.
B) Where the LA have named a type of provision as they are currently seeking an alternative placement, we do not hold data on this as what is named in Section I will depend on individual circumstances – i.e. whether they are currently in a setting that can continue to support them until a placement is found.

2. How many children/young people within your Local Authority with an EHCP are electively home educated (as at Jan 24)?
There are nine young people currently on the EHE database with an EHCP.

3. How many children/young people within your Local Authority have been awarded and currently access Personal Budgets for Education (as at Jan 24)?

4. How many of the Personal Budgets for Education currently accessed have been provided as part of an Education Otherwise Than At/In School or College (EOTAS(C)/EOTIS(C)) provision described in their Education Health and Care Plan (as at Jan 24)?

5. How many of the Personal Budgets for Education currently accessed have been awarded to children/young people who are being Electively Home Educated (EHE) (as at Jan 24)?

6. How many of the Personal Budgets for Education currently being accessed are awarded in the form of Direct Payments to families (as at Jan 24)?

7. What is the total annual cost of Personal Budgets for Education within your Local Authority (as at Jan 24)?
Approx. £10,000.

8. What is the total annual cost of Personal Budgets for Education allocated as Direct Payments to families within your Local Authority (as at Jan 24)?

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